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Richard Salisbury
Very little is known of Richard and Elizabeth Eaton Salisbury. I have not found records of their births or their marriage. The monument ereceted to their memory in the North Burial Ground in Providence, Rhode Island gives Richard's date of birth as December 25,1765. Elizabeth's birth date was September 5,1766. They were married before 1789. I have found seven children born to them, all in Rhode Island. The first is Augustus, born on May 29, 1789.The others are my third great grandmother, Adah, born about 1793. She may have been the twin of Nancy W. who was born on May 14, 1793. Clarissa was their next child, born May 10,1795, then Owen was born on January 18,1800 and Luther on February 7,1802 and Lucinda on June 19,1804. Owen was born in Foster, Rhode Island and Luther was born in Glocester, Rhode Island.
These are 1790 Census Indexes
1790 Census of Rhode Island
Providence County, Page 239, Glocester, RI RI
1790 Census of Rhode Island
Providence County, Page 30,
1810 Providence County, RI
West District, Page 074
1820 Providence County, RI
Page 140, Providence, RI
1830 Providence County, RI
Page 032, Providence, East Side RI
Richard's obituary ran in the " Providence Patriot and Columbian Phenix " newspaper
Wednesday Morning, August 4, 1829
On Sunday evening last, after a long and painful illness which he bore christian patience and humble resignation to the will of divine providence. Mr. Richard Salisbury in the 64th year of his age. Funeral this day at 2 o'clock at his house north of the Friends School Connexions and friends are invited to attend.
The Will of Richard Salisbury
December 25, 1765 - April 2, 1829
Proved September 14, 1829
Page 471-472 Providence Wills
Richard of Providence, Yeoman
First, I will and bequeath to my wife one moitey or fourth part of the lot of land owned by me and my son Luther Salisbury________of Stephen Martin, Esq. lying within the sd town of Providence and _______in the deed from sd Martin described.
Secondly. I give to my sd wife my best bed and bedding~
Thirdly. I give to my son August Salisbury the sum of three dollars.
Fourthly. I give to my Daughter Adah the sum of Ten Dollars
Fifthly. I give to my Daughter Nancy the remaining fourth part of undivded lot of land owned by me and the sd Luther Salisbury and purchased and described as afore.
Sixthly. I give to my Daughter Clarissa Salisbury the sum of Thirty Dollars.
Seventhly. I give to my Son Owen One hundred and twenty five dollars and my remaining bed and bedding.
Eighthly. I give to the heirs of Otis Salisbury the sum of three dollars.
Ninthly. I give and bequeath to my son Luther all the remainder of estate and Estates both real and personal to him his heirs assigns forever he paying all debts and funeral charges.
Lastly, I hereby nominate & appoint my sd son Luther Salisbury, sole executor of this my last Will and Testament establishing this and this only as my last Will and Testament.
In Testimonry whereof, I do herewith set my hand and Seal the second day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty nine.
Richard Salisbury
Charles W. Cozzens
Stephen Dexter
Edward Dexter
Elizabeth Eaton Salisbury continued to live in Providence, Rhode Island until her death on May 13,1845.