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Our Grandchildren
The newest members of the family are four lively grandaughters.
Sarah is 18 and lives in Seattle. She's an A student, loves reading, sports and is active with her church group.
She is an excellent writer. Her favorite pets are KC, a rather rotund cat, and Player, a great dog friend who stopped by one day and has become a welcomed member of the family. Sarah has recently learned to drive and has her own little red car.
In the fall of 2009 she will be a full time college student.
Corinna is 15 and lives in Pennsylvania. She is also an A student. Corey plays the piano and saxaphone.
Corey is an avid reader, talented writer and actress.
She recently appeared in the play "The King and I" at her high school.
She loves all animals, among her favorites are her dog Suki and her two guinea pigs.
Marina is 14 and lives in Rhode Island and England. Marina loves to read and is an excellent writer with a great imagination. She enjoys her computer, skiing, horseback riding, and playing the violin.
Marina loves to draw, especially horses.
Arianna is 11years old and enjoys her computer. She is a great dancer, plays the viola and has a lovely singing voice. She loves all animals, especially her little black dachshund Oliver. Arianna hopes to have a horse of her own soon. She rides and jumps horses, skiis, enjoys outdoor activities such as rollerblading is and avid reader and excellent artist.