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Julia Ann Sullivan
Julia Ann Sullivan was born in the southern part of Ireland in November of 1861. At the age of sixteen,
she emigrated to America with her parents, Florence and Mary Margaret Sullivan.
Julia was twenty on the 1880 Census of East Providence, Rhode Island. She was working as a domestic servant.
n January 23, 1881, Julia married Arnold Frederick Cole in Sacred Heart Church, East Providence. Julia and
Arnold were the parents of five children, Mary, John, Charles, Arnold and a child who died as an infant. Julia
was the mother of another child, my grandmother, Harriet Margaret Cole. Harriet was the daughter of
Charles William Cole.
Julia and Arnold lived in East Providence most of their lives, near the Seekonk River. Arnold was an oyster
boat pilot at a company nearby. Julia died in East Providence at the age of fifty-six on December 5, 1915.